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How Pangaea Grill Caters to Every Guest's Dietary Restriction Needs

a little girl sitting at a table eating food

Food allergies, which are fairly common, occur when a person's immune system reacts negatively to certain foods. Conversely, dietary limits are restraints an individual chooses to put on themself due to their tastes, medical needs, or religious convictions.  

People with food allergies or dietary restrictions must avoid those foods or ingredients that trigger an allergic reaction. Grill restaurants in Carmel, as well as other areas, should accommodate their guest's dietary restriction needs.

At Pangaea Grill - an Asian fusion restaurant, we have been offering our guests mouth-watering Eastern and Western dishes since 2018 in Carmel that comfort the soul.

Our chefs and servers are all passionate individuals who enjoy their work and do their best to satisfy our guests. They understand our guests' food restrictions and work to accommodate their needs, making our Grill house one of the best grills in Carmel by the sea.

What Are Different Types Of Food Allergies And Restrictions?

There are multiple food allergies and dietary restrictions, and we are aware of them all. Some of them are;


Celiac condition is an intolerance to the protein gluten, which is present in cereal grains like wheat, barley, and rye. Bread, pasta, and baked products need to be avoided unless they are created using gluten-free substitutes.

Soy Allergy:

Another food that can trigger allergic responses in some people is soy. It's crucial to pay attention to food labels and avoid anything containing soy or anything made from soy.

Shellfish Allergy:

Shellfish such as prawns, crabs, and clams are frequently utilized in Korean cooking. People with shellfish allergies should exercise caution when ordering and ingesting seafood dishes like jjigae and harmful pajeon and should inform the restaurant personnel of their sensitivity.


Some people also opt for vegetarian or vegan diets for moral or health considerations. Meat, poultry, and fish are all off-limits, as are eggs, dairy, and any other food originating from animals in the vegan diet.

Lactose Intolerance:

Similarly, some people are lactose intolerant. It is the inability to digest the sugar in milk and other dairy products. Dairy products should be avoided or at least consumed cautiously because they trigger digestive problems.

How We Take Care of Our Guests'Dietary Restrictions Needs?

Clear Menu Labeling:

To our guests' dietary restrictions needs, we clearly mark our dishes with their primary ingredients to cater so that they can quickly choose options that accommodate their dietary restrictions.

 Not only do we have gluten-free and vegetarian options, but we also specify them using the "(gf)" and "(v)" symbols, respectively.  

Training And Awareness:

Staff at Our Grill in Carmel, CA, receive extensive education and training in areas such as food allergies, special diets, and safe preparation techniques. This ensures that every team member can provide guests with the information and help they need.

Communication With Guests: 

We encourage our guests to inform our staff or their servers of any food allergies or intolerances they may have so that our chefs can better accommodate their needs. 

Enjoy Scrumptious Food Without Any Health Worries At Pangaea Grill

Eating is an experience, and it should be without any health worries. When it comes to dining out, people who are allergic to certain eatables are not well-accommodated. So, we are here to change that.

Pangaea Grill is a grill house in Carmel offering delectable Eastern and Western dishes focusing on our guests' dietary restriction needs. With our menu clearly labeled for those with any food restriction, our well-trained staff assists our guests in enjoying delicious food.

We have been serving Carmel since 2018 and are considered one of the top go-to breakfast, lunch, and dinner spots. But that's not it. We also provide online order services!

So, if you want to enjoy finger-licking food by the sea, check out our menu and make a reservation now.